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Archive: February 2015 a2wd

Haskell & Functional Programming

To quote from Ju Gonçalves’ excellent article on Medium (https://medium.com/@jugoncalves/functional-programming-should-be-your-1-priority-for-2015-47dd4641d6b9), Functional programming should be your top priority right now. This is a sentiment echoed in Michael Church’s answer to the question “what do software developers wish they’d known in their 20s” (http://www.quora.com/What-do-software-developers-age-30-and-over-know-now-that-they-wish-they-had-known-in-their-20s/answer/Michael-O-Church), namely that “functional programming [is] worth learning for the long term”. Why Functional […]

05 Feb 2015Functional / Haskell

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